Found in “to be restored” condition and not working. I have found little information about these games that were produced between the 60s and the 70s. I think it is an Italian model, but I have not been able to trace the manufacturer.
I decided I would just give them a good clean ….But I got carried away and the situation slipped out of control….Removed and clean all the coil, contact and switch.

The two dashboards were really bad, so I decided to do them again.
1 – Scan of the original dashboards
2 – Reconstruction of missing parts with GIMP
3 – Inserted cutting layer and converted to pdf with INKSCAPE (for layers and vectors), and finally SCRIBUS to convert everything into PDF keeping the layers.
Here some photos of the work. I had to insert the two boards together (you will have to make the central cut manually) because otherwise the minimum measurements required by the printing site were not respected.

Here you can download the PDF file with the separate layers (graphic layer and cut layer). You can modify it simply with import function on gimp/photoshop/inkscape.
Restoration finished 🙂